December 31, 2023


Had you thought about the way an article of clothing actually makes you feel?  The red dress perhaps that each time you wear it, makes you feel invincible?  The psychological link between the relationship of clothing to mental well-being is a dynamic interplay.

The way we express ourselves through our clothing is as unique and individual as we are. 

I’ve written before about the Scientific studies that have explored the concept of ‘enclothed cognition’ suggesting that the clothes we wear can influence our cognitive processes and even impact our performance.  Wearing outfits that align with our self-perception can evoke a sense of empowerment and enhance our overall mood. 

Getting dressed in the morning should be pleasurable but equally, mindful.  Dressing is a wonderful form of self-expression affecting not only how we see ourselves but affecting our behaviour.

the relationship between our clothing and mental well-being

Feelings of invincibility take over each time I wear this coat


The coat I wear on the cover image is a wonderful example as feelings of invincibility take over on the occasions I wear it.  The simple act of ‘donning’ a favourite outfit can act as a powerful mood elevator, boosting our confidence and contributing to a positive mindset.  That has to be a good way to begin any day, surely?  There's a reason why I smile a lot!


I see clothing as a vibrant thread weaving together the narrative of our identity.  The relationship of clothing to our image extends far beyond the superficial realm of fashion.  It delves into the profound impact it has on our mental well-being and the way we perceive ourselves.  When we look good, we feel good, right?

The art of dressing with intention is a transformative practice and is less about adhering to trends but rather a conscious choice to present the very best version of ourselves.  You may wish to take a look here at the Ultimate Image Experience, my service that looks at our image in a holistic way

the relationship of clothing to our mental well-beingTHE RELATIONSHIP OF CLOTHING TO OUR MENTAL WELL-BEING

Clothing is a form of self-expression, a powerful communication tool and an extension of our identity.  Clothes can visually communicate facets of our personality and mood to those around us.  When we dress thoughtfully, we project an image that resonates with our inner self, fostering authenticity and confidence.

Beyond the cognitive realm, clothing plays a pivotal role in shaping our emotional landscape. The right ‘ensemble’ has the ability to evoke emotions, trigger memories, and create a sense of comfort.  In times of stress or uncertainty (such as the recent Covid Pandemic) the ritual of selecting an outfit became, for me, a therapeutic process, offering a sense of control and self-care.  The right attire becomes a protective shield against the challenges of the external world, allowing us to face the day with resilience.


Rachel Peru
* Image Credit Olivia Brabbs

Clothing also influences the way we perceive our bodies, intertwining body image and self-esteem.  Wearing garments that fit and flatter and feel comfortable engenders a more positive body image. Conversely, ill-fitting or uncomfortable clothing can have the opposite effect, impacting our confidence and sense of self-worth. 

The relationship between clothing and body image highlights the importance of choosing outfits that celebrate our unique attributes, contributing to a healthier mental outlook.


The significance of clothing for our well-being extends to the social sphere, influencing how others perceive and interact with us.  First impressions are formed in the blink of an eye, so our clothing choices can shape the initial judgments from others. 

Dressing with intention, whether for professional or personal settings, allows us to curate a comfortable image, facilitating smoother social interactions and fostering a sense of respect from others.

In essence, clothing is a multifaceted tool that goes beyond the surface, intricately woven into the fabric of our mental and emotional well-being. The art of dressing with intention empowers us to navigate the complexities of life with confidence, offering a tangible means of self-expression and self-care.

As we embrace the transformative potential of our wardrobes, we embark on a journey where each garment becomes a brushstroke, contributing to the masterpiece of our holistic well-being.

Go, seek out that superpower and choose something to wear today that makes you feel that you are the very best version of yourself.

Jackie Crawford

July 31, 2023


There’s something about nailing a style that no-one else is wearing!  That’s one of the key benefits of choosing style over fashion, we can procure and develop our own look.  Style feels more comfortable for us, more aligned with our personality and understanding what works for our body shape is a great way to invest in ourselves.


Our personal style is something quite different and more unique to the individual.  Whereas fashion directs us to collective and even global trends at a given period in time.  The fashionistas among us will closely follow the trends and feel compelled to stay up to date.  Often, whether the style flatters or not.   Fashion is readily available to us all but the turnover is sadly now unsustainably fast unless we choose wisely and less frequently.

Choose your pieces more carefully

Choose your pieces more carefully


I put my hand up here that like many of us, I have been equally guilty of panic buying but then relegating the garment to the back of my wardrobe.  Perhaps it doesn’t fit so well, it doesn’t flatter our shape or maybe the colour is wrong for us.  There are lots of elements at play here.

Creating our own style, helps us to avoid these impulse purchases. That’s what I love most about style over fashion - the way we can develop our sense of self, a feeling of comfort and authenticity.  Dressing for who we are now, in the moment, is always a good strategy.


As a child of the 60’s and through play I learnt at an early age that our clothes have the power to support us and as a vehicle, can elevate us to aim higher.  You’ve heard the expression, dress for the job you want?  It means that our clothes are part of the vision of where we see ourselves in the future.  Our image and the clothes we wear are one of the key methods of communication and can help us set intentions for the future.


Many of you reading this will have at some point copied the look styled on a mannequin, shown in a magazine, or even copied from a friend.  The likelihood is that this way of dressing is very rarely going to work for us.  Our body shapes and proportions will vary as will our personal preferences.  For example, I love to see women wearing linen and a bohemian style but does it work for me?  Absolutely not, I enjoy a more structured look and don’t enjoy being creased!  Creases make me feel uncomfortable.  Finding those key elements that make us feel good helps us to feel more confident.


Style above fashion

Dig deep into your individual style personality

Whether you select new or pre-loved, choosing only what resonates with you and your values ensures that you will be happier to care for and wear your clothes for longer.  Understanding more about your style personality will help you define a more comfortable style for you.

Consider what really resonates with you.  Do you prefer clean lines over feminine detailing perhaps or neutral colours vs a bold print.  or maybe you like your clothing to make a statement or are you happy to blend in?

Answering some of these questions and carefully assessing your wardrobe may provide some clues.  Or give me a call and we can find out together.

Sale above Fashion

Investing in pre-loved apparel creates the opportunity for individuality


One key point here is that fashion has become too disposable.  Instead of the historic two clothing seasons annually, we are subjected to more regular turnover of collections.  Often in the fast-fashion chains, this can be as regular as twice weekly.  

This is a shocking pace and our planet with its natural resources and associated garment workers will pay the price.

Investing in pre-loved apparel creates the opportunity to explore hidden gems and a wider range of styles above the current trends.  I love to visit York Designer Dress Agency for my pre-loved shopping.


However I believe that our clothes go so much deeper. I have been considering the subject of style over fashion a lot since the release of the Barbie movie - the most iconic fashion forward doll.   The movie nostalgically took me back to my childhood.  Barbie inspired me to dream and to imagine my future self.  I found Barbie to be a positive force and subsequently that playing dress-up in any form can be the catalyst to other elements of positive change.

Of the many things that I loved about it, my biggest takeaway was the fact that the film celebrated individuality.  Our own personal style allows us to do just that.

See your wardrobe as a positive way to express yourself and as a vehicle to enjoy many of life’s joys.   

For me?  Style over fashion at every turn!

June 30, 2023


Where our bodies are concerned, many of us have experienced low self-esteem at some point in our lives.  The million reasons for this are all very individual and can originate from a variety of circumstances that all serve to impact upon our confidence.  Practicing any self-care regime is a good time to get more body positive.

As women, we are always happy to chat about the bits of our bodies we wish to change but rarely about our positive attributes!  Why is that I wonder?

Perhaps we recall something negative that someone said to us years ago or we compare ourselves to others.  When we are constantly bombarded with images via the media, it can be difficult to avoid.  Everyone is different so it is important that we are happy and healthy in the bodies we have now.

Whilst we can’t change the way we feel about our bodies overnight we can learn to look a little more kindly upon ourselves and over time learn to focus on your body positives.

Let me promote my 6 Top Tips that may alter your thinking as it's time to get more body positive.

Positive Affirmations

How about posting some positive affirmations on your bathroom mirror?

The key here is to learn to accept, be grateful and love what we do have.  Try recognising your personal worth and your achievements in the first instance. There are no rules, just a little bit of positive self-awareness.  To enjoy some self-love we must first have a positive appreciation of ourselves.   Do not think of it as an indulgence but as personal maintenance.  We service our cars, right?  Like charity, love begins at home.  Learn to love yourself and to feel comfortable with the body that you have.  How about posting some positive affirmations on your bathroom mirror?  Embrace what is different about you.  Said often enough, these affirmations can help you change a negative narrative.

Treat your body like your best friend

Think about your body as a valuable friend – think about the things that your amazing body allows you to do – your work, your travel, a walk in the countryside and perhaps the children you have birthed.

Focus on all the areas that you love and enjoy some positive self-talk (yes when no-one is listening if you prefer) and remember how kindly you speak to your friends.  Seeing these areas in a different light may just outweigh any negative feelings you may have.   It could be your finer ankles, your wrists or your eyes.  Learn how to enhance these areas through your clothes, your jewellery or your make-up   If you are struggling with this, ask for help.

Time to get Body Positive

The right size for you is the one that fits

Don't focus on the clothing size

Manufacturers produce clothing for the masses – to a standard size and proportion.  There is no such thing….we are all different shapes, sizes and proportions.   Why don’t we then take the emotion out of our clothing size.  Believe that the right size for you is the one that fits!  Forget the number and cut out the label if this helps.


Learn to accept a compliment

Time to get more more body positiveI love it that many women can be so generous with compliments …why not write down in a journal each compliment you receive, each accomplishment (no matter how small) or something you have done to help others.   Review your journal on a weekly or monthly basis (or when you feel like it) and see how much better you feel about yourself.

Find clothing that brings you joy

Identifying flattering colours that lift your complexion and amplify your eye colour is a great start!  Also learn what really suits your particular body shape....what looks best on a flat chest or which fabrics are best to diminish our curves.  Rather than feel deflated as we choose our clothes, knowing what works for us is incredibly empowering.  There is an energy and confidence in wearing clothes that help us feel good!

Get active

Head into the outdoors and soak it up!

Taking time out in the great outdoors is a great leveller.  I find that a great motivator for the day ahead is an energising walk.  If you are able, head into to Countryside, feel the wind in your face and soak it up.  Or if you are averse to any kind of exercise, there are some very clever dressing techniques that can help elongate, shorten or slim a body to enhance or disguise any number of body attributes.  I can help you re-discover your body through positive personal styling strategies.


So it’s time ladies to get more body positive and focus on YOUR ‘body positives’…it may be your eyes, your amazing neck, your shapely butt or your slim ankles.  If you zone in more regularly on the bits of your body you do LOVE, you will find that over time your will look a little more kindly at yourself.

If you have any questions about how best to dress your body do call me on 07494 644788 to have a no obligation chat or to book an appointment in my comfortable home studio in York.

I’d love to hear from you.


*Main Image credit Model Rachel Peru by Miriam Gomez

April 30, 2023


If you haven't already had a spring clean, it's the time of year to refresh and embrace the new season, so why not include the clothes in your wardrobe?  Here I share my 6 Top Tips on detoxing your wardrobe.  Which, when well-organised is as equally important as the clothes within.  It simply makes life a lot simpler, more fun and morning dressing is simplified.

Do you open your wardrobe full of clothes but complain that you have nothing to wear.  I am a great believer that 'less is more' so if you cannot see all your wardrobe contents, dressing successfully will prove to be a challenge!  How good would you feel having a wardrobe of clothes that you actually loved but also mixed and matched together?  Detoxing your wardrobe will help.

Clearing out your wardrobe should not feel like a form of self-punishment or a chore.  See it as an investment in your future self and your motivation becomes more intentional.

Inject some colourIt does of course help to know the colours and styles that work for best for your individual colouring characteristics, body shape, personality and lifestyle.  I can help you with this, see more here.

Firstly however you may need to remind yourself what you hold in your wardrobes before beginning to edit them down into a useable and workable wardrobe.

Here are my 6 top tips on detoxing your wardrobe to get you started:

detoxing your wardrobe

Start by removing every piece from your wardrobe


Begin the process of removing all of the clothes from your wardrobe and your chest of drawers and try them on piece by piece.  SORT INTO PILES.

Consider when you last wore it, is it still in good condition and how good does it make you feel?  Don't dwell for too long before allocating each item into one of three piles.  Use your bed for this purpose.


The Stay Pile                   

These are the items that still look good on you and give you joy.  The value of clothes and the way they make us feel is an important consideration.

Detoxing your wardrobe

Consider taking your clothes to a charity shop or local dress agency

The Charity Shop Pile  

The items that remain in good condition but perhaps no longer work for you or your lifestyle, those that no longer fit you or those you have not worn for 12 months (although you may still wish to make exceptions such as special one-off or emotional pieces you may need to carefully store).  You may also consider taking some of these to your local Dress Agency, who will be interested in the most recent of your cast-offs or how about donating to a deserving friend.  You may wish to read more here about dressing sustainably.

The Discard Pile      

Those items that are damaged beyond repair or stained.  Take this opportunity to re-cycle them and give your wardrobe and drawers a good clean and a spruce up too.

Image Credit Lindsley Weddings

Do your clothes truly reflect who you are?


Once you have decided on what remains in your wardrobe, ask yourself if it truly reflects who you are.  For years I held on to an expensive linen two piece suit (which for no other reason than the guilt of the initial price-tag) remained in my wardrobe.  I hadn’t worn it for years (clearly because I don’t like to be creased), but felt paralysed to discard it.  I realised that regardless of the price, it deserved to be loved by someone else.  Once I had made that decision, I felt lighter.


Those items you wear on a regular day to day basis should hang at the front or centre of your wardrobe for easy access remembering to return the item (once worn or laundered) back to same place.

If you are able to and have the space, it is a good idea to keep last season's clothes in another wardrobe.  Any items of a sentimental nature that you wish to remember, consider wrapping in tissue and store them carefully (and somewhere different) so you can revisit another time.

You may wish to colour code each type of clothing. For example I group my tops so that the same colours hang together side by side.  It means you can easily see what you hold in your ‘top’ department and choosing one in the morning rush is far simpler.


Photo credit : Kai Pilger (Pexels)
Invest in good quality hangers

Once you have decided upon how to organise your 'new' wardrobe, give each of your remaining items a home and invest in good hangers here.  I like a combination of wood which help clothes retain their shape and the thin flock type variety which take up so little space!







Detoxing your wardrobe

Create a list of clothing gaps that focus your new purchasing decisions

The discarding of items will undoubtedly lead to some gaps which become evident once you have completed your wardrobe edit. Don't panic! You don't need to replace the items immediately but it does help you to focus when you make a 'list of gaps'.  Now that you have edited your wardrobe and the stress about dressing has been reduced we can then look to carefully replace some items and develop a capsule wardrobe that you can refer to whenever you are out shopping.  The great thing here is that you know exactly what you need.

I do hope that this has inspired you to get started on detoxing your wardrobe but if you need any further guidance or some hand-holding for the task of taking a fresh look at the clothes in your wardrobe, or would like to book an appointment in my comfortable home-studio in York or do give me a call on 07494 644788.

August 29, 2019


Let’s hear it for Body Positivity

Where our bodies are concerned, many of us have experienced low self-esteem and poor body positivity at some point in our lives.  The million reasons for this are all very individual and can originate from a variety of circumstances that all serve to impact upon our confidence.  Perhaps we recall something negative that someone said to us years ago or we compare ourselves to others and when we are constantly bombarded with images via the media, it can be difficult to avoid.

As women, we are always happy to chat about the bits of our bodies we wish to change but rarely about our positive attributes!  Why is that I wonder?

Whilst we can’t change the way we feel about our bodies overnight we can learn to look a little more kindly upon ourselves and over time learn to focus on your body positives.  Let me share some thoughts that may alter your thinking.

The key here is to learn to accept, be grateful and love what we do have.  There are no rules, just a little bit of positive self-awareness.  To enjoy some self-love we must first have a positive appreciation of ourselves.  Do not think of it as an indulgence but as personal maintenance.  We service our cars, right?  Like charity, love begins at home.  Learn to love yourself and to feel comfortable with the body that you have.

Think about your body as a valuable friend

Body PositivityThink about the things that your amazing body allows you to do – your work, your travel, a walk in the countryside and perhaps the children you have birthed.

Focus on all the areas that you love and enjoy some positive self-talk (yes when no-one is listening if you prefer) and remember how kindly you speak to your friends.  Seeing these areas in a different light may just outweigh any negative feelings you may have.  It could be your finer ankles, your wrists or your eyes.  Learn how to enhance these areas through your clothes, your jewellery or your make-up.  If you are struggling with this, ask for help.

Take the emotion out of clothing sizing

Manufacturers produce clothing for the masses – to a standard size and proportion.  There is no such thing….we are all different shapes, sizes and proportions.   Why don’t we then take the emotion out of our clothing size.  Believe that the right size for you is the one that fits!  Forget the number and cut out the label if this helps.  The effects of wearing clothes that flatter will change your perceptions and the effects are far-reaching.

Keep a Compliment Journal

Body PositivityI love it that many women can be so generous with compliments …why not write down in a journal each compliment you receive, each accomplishment (no matter how small) or something you have done to help others.   Review your journal on a weekly or monthly basis (or when you feel like it) and see how much better you feel about yourself.


Taking time out in the great outdoors is a great leveller.  I find that a great motivator for the day ahead is an energising walk.  If you are able, head into to Countryside and soak it up.  Or if you are averse to any kind of exercise, there are some very clever dressing techniques that can help elongate, shorten or slim a body to enhance or disguise any number of body attributes.

Focus on your Body Positives

So it’s time ladies to focus on your ‘body positives’…it may be your eyes, your wrists, your amazing neck, your shapely butt or your slim ankles.  If you zoom in more regularly on the bits of your body you do LOVE, you will find that over time your will look a little more kindly at yourself.

If you have any questions about Body Positivity or how best to dress your body do call me on 07494 644788 to have a no obligation chat or to book an appointment in my comfortable home studio in York.

I’d love to hear from you.



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York, North Yorkshire